- (832) 794-1230
In Harris County there can be numerous court settings every three weeks to a month before a case can be set for trial. And when a case is set for trial it is possible, in fact very probable, that it will not be tried on its first trial setting. Every court is different but most of the time the legal process is excruciatingly slow. It is impossible to give a firm date with regards to how long a case will take to get resolved or actually tried. However, a case can be resolved at any time prior to a trial setting if you wish to resolve it and the disposition or sentence is one that you are willing to accept.
The information contained on this website is solely for general informational purposes. Nothing on this site should be or can be taken as legal advice for any individual case or any individual situation. The information on this website is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. In addition, the viewing or receipt of this site does not constitute or create an attorney client relationship.